Email Verification: 3 Reasons Why Your CRM List is Useless Without It


Why Email Verification?

Email verification utilizes a unique link to ensure that an email account belongs to a real, individual user and not an internet bot.

Cleaning out your contacts list is essential to the success of lasting brand-consumer relationships. Continue reading “Email Verification: 3 Reasons Why Your CRM List is Useless Without It”

Stop Hard Email Bounces with Real-Time Email Data Verification

email validataion.jpgNote: The following is a guest post by author Krista Barrick, an email verification specialist at a XVerify–one of SendGrid’s solution partners.

Many marketers don’t know the real risks involved when email bounces. Hard bounces, specifically, cause long-term deliverability problems and even damage your sender reputation. Continue reading “Stop Hard Email Bounces with Real-Time Email Data Verification”

5 Reasons Why Customers will Thank You for Using Contact Validation

email validation.jpg

Contact validation is commonly used to prevent fraud and build businesses. The business case for contact validation is well established, and these tools are essential to protect and build your business. However, did you know that your customers benefit from validation, too? Continue reading “5 Reasons Why Customers will Thank You for Using Contact Validation”